Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Few More Additions to the Nursery

Before I get to an update on what seems like a never ending Work in Progress, the baby's nursery...  I have to show off this gift set I made for a friend having a baby girl in December. I used Rock-n-Romance by Pat Bravo and Coral Minky to make a blanket. I also used Rock-n-Romance to make three burp rags and a wipes case. Because my life is filled with boys, it is always fun for me to get to make something girly!

Okay, so on to the BIG project that has consumed my sewing/crafting life over the past two months.

I am pretty sure the Nursery is almost finished, but it seems like just when I think I am finished, I come up with something else to make or do.
We are waiting for the changing table/dresser combo to arrive, and once that arrives all of the furniture will be in place, and I can make sure that I like how the room is arranged.

In my last post I mentioned I was starting to work on some art for the walls. I am happy with the way it turned out, and at this point it is on the wall above where I plan to put the changing table.

Next I began decorating letters with his name for the opposite wall. They are not hung yet, apparently my hubby thinks it is going to be a big project to get them centered and level, so he has not wanted to put them up. 

Now you can see, that his name will be Matias (Mah-Tee-Ahs), which is the Finnish translation of Matthias. All of our boys have Finnish names, as my husband's family is Finnsh (his father was born there). Of course there is always the complication of finding a Finnish name that is fairly easy to pronounce and doesn't sound ridiculous to Americans.

I was randomly given a white shelf a couple of weeks ago, and thought I might be able to use it in the nursery. It turned out to be a perfect fit by the glider, to use as a side table. There are three shelves; on the bottom I put blankets, on the middle shelf I made another fabric basket and put burp rags in it, and then on the top I put a lamp.

I bought a plain lampshade and covered it with some of the elephant fabric. My elephants are "dancing" around the lampshade as I struggled to get the elephants perfectly straight so I just let them go at an angle.

I realized last week that I didn't have any burp cloths for the baby and I didn't want to go buy cloth diapers to turn into burp cloths... So I went through my scrap stash of flannel, minky, and fleece and came up with some fabric that I could turn into burp cloths. I made five this week and would like to make a few more. They are nothing fancy, and they only took about 10 minutes each to make, but they are so soft and turned out pretty cute. 

I hope that the next time I post about the nursery it will complete! I can't wait to post pics of how it all came together. 

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